Free Webinar for Medical Device Companies:

How To Enter into German and Europe's Medical Device Market ?!

Expert Birger Nispel

Germany is the top-target market for good medical products. But you need to know how it works to enter into it to take your part of the cake. Explore, what would help you to make your breakthrough in the EU/German market in this Webinar!

In This Webinar You Will Learn:

  • Get a blueprint of  all mandatory steps to sell to the European Union
  • Get perfect objection handling if customer says „We have already a supplier!“
  • Learn about the most dangerous traps you could step into when you do not know them
Registration 50%

You want to enter into one of the richest markets with the strongest buying-power?

Congratulation, you are on the  right way!

Germany and Europe are the biggest markets beneath the US-Market. 
But: In today’s society, it seems like everywhere you look you hear about the same problems. 

People are worried about this: 

inflation, another recession, interest rates, exploding costs

increasing energy pricing and for sure too less customers.

The fact is: Customers are having fear to make wrong decisions now.

However, what most people and companies don’t realize is that there is always an opportunity in every crisis. I get upset, when I see that many people can no longer see the forest for the trees. They bury their heads in the sand and „just accept it“, but like to suffer from the situation. The whole mass media only rides on the problems to scare people like you and me.

Why are all of these problems true? Everybody is geeting opportunities in their lifes but they let them go. I have been self-employed for over 30 years and I have seen firsthand how difficult times can shape a person into a winner. Even in medical technologies. From financial to global crises, I have learned that it is only during the hard times that we see who the real winners are. 

If a crises would produce only losers, then there wouldn’t be an economy anymore! But what is the difference between winning companies and loosing companies? 

So next time you’re feeling down about a problem, remember that it might just be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. It’s the hard times that shape a winner. In every crisis, you can wonderfully observe how thousands and thousands of people and successful companies rise up and turn their lives and businesses into a true masterpiece. 

This is the reason: every crisis brings you into action. The only question is: Are you doing the right thing? – And that is the only real problem.

Many would like to, but don’t know what to do at first. 

I tell you what to do: More costs and difficult times mean: you need good resilience and you need to get more customers, right?! 

I’ll tell you how to make that happen in my webinar. I tell you what I would do now, what steps I would take now. You’ll see what I do to get into action. I talk about my blueprint to get 30% more customers. I talk about time management models and about automation.

You can only lose if you don’t turn into action. If you turn into action you have a chance to make this crisis work for you.It is the right time now. Change your attitude. You will thank me later.

 Do you know, that the mandatories to fulfill to enter into the European market are the same  than to export to Germany? Use Germany as a hub. Export to Germany first. After that, sell to other countries from your German base.
Because products sold from Germany to other countries  join the gift of trust. If you are able to sell your products to Germany, your success will come up everywhere. In the Webinar you will learn how to sell medical devices to Germany. This is the 99% hurdle you have to take. Germany is your entrance ticket to the European market. 

Take your chance and get your ticket for the all-inclusive-sales-strategy. In this webinar, you will learn about the mandatories and the sales Skills to export to Germany. 

Scale up your business by factor 5. Takte your chance now, before others do it.  

Quality Market
0 %
Inhabitants in Germany
Inhabitants in Europe

You will have that success you deserve:

The webinar covers the following topics

  • Study of electrotechnical engineering – Ruhr-University
  • Biomedical Diploma Engineer (FH) – Fachhochschule Aachen, Department Jülich
  • Lead Auditor ISO 13485:2016 – BSI Training Academy
  • Economic and Management Training – Steuer und Wirtschafts Akademie
  • Psychological Training, Business-Mindset and personal Development-Training 
  • Member of the Permanent Plenum of Chamber of Commerce –IHK Bochum
  • Honorary Judge on Court of Bochum – Civil Court of Bochum, Chamber for Commercial Matters
  • Cosmopolit and Thankfull Mind-Person
  • Company Ambassador of Prefecture Fukushima
  • Platform Coordinator for JETRO
  • Online and Offline Marketer-Training
  • Speaker, Author, Value Developer & Creative Person  
  • Created more than 60 Courses for Sales and Personal Development – E-Books, Video-Courses, Life-Coaching, Mentoring
  • Developed the ROSY* system
  • Visited over 300 seminar-days, 250 books and audiobooks, Invest in personal and business development: six-figure sum.   

The webinar contains topics of "ROSY" -System. Take a look into my mentoring masterclass:

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